Signpost Edition 6
Once again “GOODAY “to all BOWTIES and we hope you are weathering this latest Covid flareup in good spirits and are unaffected by it.
As I write this I look back to the time (very first of the Baby Boomers) when as a child our mothers wiped our faces with spit on a hankey and now its antibacterial wipes for everything.
Our 44th Festival is being celebrated towards the end of October so we are confidant all will be well and the wipes can be safely put away by then.
When we launched the Signpost series, we likened it to driving down the Highway where you would see various Signposts with information for you to read (carefully) to make your journey safer, better and more informed.
The road itself has hills, turns, roadworks and sometimes Traffic Lights.
Our Festival is a bit like that with even a 12-month PIT STOP thrown in for good measure but
we are now in the main straight and it’s a good piece of road from here to Yarrawonga.
Now I can’t resist flogging the dead horse as they say however there is some GOOD NEWS!!
The RSL have indicated that some spaces are still available so if as yet you have not finalised accommodation, we suggest you try first with the RSL and their details (along with most other Accommodation details in Yarrawonga / Mulwala) are located on the Club Website.
Entries for the Festival have picked up momentum and I can assure you the Festival Committee is very happy with the progress being made and it gives us all that extra lift in our step.
We would also encourage those that have not entered to please do….., so we can keep our Festival Support Venues up to date on numbers which in turn means we get better outcomes at these Venues for you when we arrive in numbers.
A big mention has to be given to the Country Women’s Association who are hosting a very special “High Tea” which will be held after the SKI Club lunch on Saturday so girls put yourself down for this ……why should the Boys have all the fun.
It will be 50’s Music Based, if you are game come in period clothes (prizes given) a Fashion Show will be held, expect lots of laughs, refreshments to be enjoyed and some “Secret Woman’s Business” as only a Country CWA could provide and remember girls you are a long way from home so you can let your hair down a bit and have some fun.
Why not get the Boys to drop you off on the way to the Indian Bike Collection or have a quick look at the bikes then head back and join in with the CWA……merriment assured and there are more chairs here than at the bikes…. extra bonus.
Let’s jump back to the very Start of the Festival ……when you arrive and sign in you will be given a Festival Bag which includes Lanyards and it goes without saying wear the Lanyard when on Festival Runs.
This Committee is Top Notch but we will struggle on Face Recognition for over 250 Faces (no problem with the Chevrolets just the faces) so please cut us some slack and wear the Lanyard
Also, in the Festival Bag will be an updated Festival Program which we ask the Chevrolet Enthusiasts to treat as a Service Manual as all will be revealed…… even that miss in the left bank of the V8 which is causing you some concern.
Back to the Ladies please don’t worry if the Boys start to morph into loose groups and commence talking Cars and parts at the SHOW and SHINE.
Have a wander over and check out the Sunday Market then take a cruise on the Paddle Steamer moored for your convenience right at the water’s edge just in front of the Cars.
We are definitely smoothly running down the main straight now and are going to have a great
time together at the various Venues booked and we will explore these in later Signposts of
which Brothers and Sisters there will only be…. three more editions.
Ian for the Festival Committee which consists of Craig, David, Ron, Patrick, Michael and myself