Monthly Archives: October 2020
Signpost – COVID ONE
It is great to be back we (The Festival Committee) have felt like we have been in hibernation for the last 6 or so months, locked down twiddling our thumbs, as life goes by and even worse losing one of our own during this period but more on that later.
I have been meeting up with friends on ZOOM and the subject of Cars especially Classic Cars comes up.
Apart from the many configurations there are basically two groups ….Pre-War and Post War and of course I am talking about World War Two a truly terrible time during the period 1939/45.
I bring this up because the World is in a Covid 19 War right now and Covid has caused terrible upheaval in the last 6 months and hopefully we are getting on top of it.
Take our Club no meetings no runs and no 2020 CHEVROLET FESTIVAL IN YARRAWONGA this year BUT next year is a different story with the Festival marked down for the 23rd to the 25th OCTOBER 21 AND it has a new name…ie the 20/21 CHEVROLET FESTIVAL…so Bowties mark this date down now.
Several Changes in the Committee have occurred, Ross Petousis had to resign because of a new job and extra commitments and then very recently Peter Mantel suddenly left us and we were just gutted as it was too soon and not in the cycle of life we expected for Peter.
Covid struck here too because we could not send Peter off on his last and most important Rally with three cheers….so this we will reserve for the Festival Dinner and may be do a forth and fifth for the family who will be attending along with the famous “Never miss a festival CAMARO “ piloted by his daughter Christie and boy I hope the underneath is clean or Peter will be miffed !
As a Committee we were honoured to have Peters Memorial Service close with the reading of our specially prepared Chevrolet Festival Minutes and again I say “a pox” on Covid 19
Peter was not just making up the Committee Numbers he was a living encyclopedia on Rally’s and Festivals and since he had been to so many, he gave us the good and the bad and the ugly information and thus as novices we were able to come up to speed quickly via this knowledge and formulate a great Festival…..Peters Chevrolet Festival
So, Bro from the bottom of our hearts we thank you and miss you
The show must go on as they say and again, I am pleased to confirm our Major sponsor RACV is still with us as is all Accommodation and function venues.
The super thing about the date is that it again coincides with the Lake Mulwala Foreshore Market which
Is a win win for both parties and remember Yarrawonga still has more sunny days than Queensland
The Club Website has all the relevant information on accommodation and will be regularly updated.
As the time gets closer to the Festival Date more information will be presented along with the revamped Festival Paperwork.
The Committee hopes no one is too stressed out and the “Lockdown blues” are not too bad if they are spare a thought for Ron (Yankee car man) Baker who has had to isolate longer
If you have forgotten the Festival Committee Members are….
Craig O, Donohue David Shaw Ron Baker Ian Cole
Patrick Prusakowski Michael Johnson
And as a Committee we can’t wait to have a meeting and move the Festival forward